What we stand for
The power of whole, PLANTSTRONG foods to protect, heal, and reverse disease has never been as timely as it is right now. You can have it all! You can have insanely radical, radiant health and incredibly delicious food all at once. Now is the time for you to take control. A healthy future lies in front of you.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to simplify the journey to a plant-based lifestyle with a complete ecosystem for education, support and healthy products — built on a foundation of quality and proven science.
Our Mission
Our mission is to empower people to take control of their health destiny and advocate for the proven benefits of plant-based living.
Our Vision
Our vision is a world that universally understands, promotes and prescribes plants as the solution to empowering health, enhancing performance, and restoring the environment.
Hey There! Meet Rip ―
Founder of PlantStrong &
Engine 2
Rip Esselstyn spent a decade as one of the premier triathletes in the world. He then joined the Austin Fire Department where he introduced his passion for a whole-food, plant-based diet to Austin’s Engine 2 Firehouse in order to rescue a firefighting brother’s health. To document his success he wrote the national bestselling book, The Engine 2 Diet, which shows the irrefutable connection between a plant-based diet and good health. He is featured prominently in the documentary Forks Over Knives.
As the founder of PLANTSTRONG, Rip develops and implements a range of programs and events geared toward education, inspiring and nurturing PLANTSTRONG living for individuals, families, and organizations across the globe.
Follow Rip
Rip's Experience
- All-American Swimmer for The University of Texas at Austin
- Olympic Trials, Swimming, 1984
- World Class triathlete, 1986-2002
- Firefighter with City of Austin, 1997-2009
- Author, The Engine 2 Diet, NYT’s bestseller, 2009
- Whole Foods Market healthy eating partner, 2009—2020.
- Engine 2 PLANTSTRONG food line, 2011-2020, a Whole Food Market Exclusive Brand
- Founder and Host, five and seven day medical immersion programs, 2010-present
- Author, PLANTSTRONG, #1 NYT’s bestseller, 2014
- Author, The Engine 2 Seven Day Rescue Diet, 2017
- Author, The Engine 2 Cookbook, 2018
- Executive Producer, The Game Changers movie, 2019
- Podcast host, PLANTSTRONG, ranked as a best seller by Apple Podcast in the category of New Shows & Nutrition.
- World Record holder, 200 meter backstroke, men 55-59

As Seen In:

Meet everyone else
Our team
Laurie Kortowich
Laurie is the Chief Optimist at PLANTSTRONG. She produces both in-person and virtual events, is responsible for corporate partnerships and new business development and leads the marketing strategy.

Ami Mackey
Curator of Creative Content and PLANTSTRONG Coach
When she is not creating new recipes or photographing her creations, she can be found in our PLANTSTRONG Coaching program - helping others create habits that last a lifetime. She has earned certificates from eCornell in Plant-Based Nutrition & Fitness Nutrition from NASM.

John FitzGerald
Supply Chain & Customer Experience and PLANTSTRONG Coach
John helps with our supply chain/customer experience and manages the PLANTSTRONG Coaching program.
He earned his Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies at Cornell University and is certified in plant-based cooking from Forks Over Knives (Roxube).

Carrie Barrett
PLANTSTRONG Podcast Producer (aka: Sound Girl)
Carrie brings PLANTSTRONG stories and guest transformations to life each week on the podcast. She uses her background in radio, production and writing to make each episode motivating, inspiring and actionable.

Michelle Smith
Senior Accountant

John Cullicott
Helping make the food line more accessible to us all.

Jessica Pastore
Jessica leads product innovation for our foodline. She helps bring new, exciting and wholesome options to our plant-based food line. She believes in a plant-powered future, sweetened with dates!

Mike LaRocca
Retail Operations
Mike has over 15 years of experience in the CPG space. He finds joy in aligning the mission with resources, all working toward profitability, and his expertise drives retail sales and supply chain!