Metabite and PLANTSTRONG Announce Strategic Partnership to Revolutionize Employee Health and Wellness Programs
– Metabite, a cutting-edge digital nutrition coaching service, and PLANTSTRONG, a pioneer in both nutrition education and plant-based foods, are excited to announce a strategic partnership designed to redefine corporate wellness. Aimed at self-insured employers...

Creamy Wild Rice Mushroom Stew
Summer days are heating up across the country. This cool customer packs a savory and sweet crunch with a tangy lime twist. Perfect for picnics and back yard barbecues - this colorful salad is packed...

Five Ingredient Sweet Potato Curry in a Hurry
A satisfying and easy recipe for your busy family. Want more time saving meal solutions? Check out PLANTSTRONG Foods for our full product line! Five Ingredient Sweet Potato Curry in a Hurry By Pam...

Heading Outdoors? Time for Some PLANTSTRONG Camping!
One of the stress points for PLANTSTRONG campers hitting the trails is: How do I continue to fuel my body properly when so much of what traditionally constitutes “camping food” revolves around such things as...

Won't I Lose My Man Card if I Stop Eating Meat?
For more than a decade, Rip Esselstyn traveled the country sharing the good news about switching to a PLANTSTRONG lifestyle. Men resisted more than women because so much of the masculine construct—the male identity—is tied...

Why We Veto the Keto Diet...and You Should Too!
The keto diet, and others like it (Paleo, Atkins, South Beach), have become ubiquitous in our diet culture because of their rapid weight-loss effects. Unfortunately, that weight loss has come at a major cost, and...

Hypertension - A Silent Killer
47% of American Adults Have High Blood Pressure Let's take a few minutes to discuss the implications of that staggering statistic. When you get your blood pressure taken at the doctor’s office, you’ll get two...

Why Do I Have to Give Up Cheese? It's So Hard!
Let’s call it like it is. Cheese is Dairy Crack. “I just can’t live without my cheese,” you say. It is one of the most common struggles people have when going PLANTSTRONG. Here’s the thing....

The PLANTSTRONG All Star Recipe Collection
Whether you are brand new to the lifestyle or are a plant-eating pro—these recipes are in the PLANTSTRONG Hall of Fame and are consistently ranked the highest in our community. You can make each one...

How Can I Stay PLANTSTRONG When Traveling and Eating Out in Restaurants?
Rip's Tips for Eating PLANTSTRONG While Traveling I have heard every argument possible against a plant-based diet, and at the core, most comments fall into this category: “But Rip, it’s just too hard to...

6 Reasons Why Alcohol Is Unhealthy
This is an excerpt from The Engine 2 Seven-Day Rescue Diet. 1. Alcohol is packed with empty calories. Like soda and fruit juice, alcoholic drinks are entirely empty calories. One jigger of whiskey contains 105...

The Problem with the Paleo—It's a Devil's Bargain
So what’s wrong with all the Paleo diets being promoted today? For one thing, our early ancestors didn’t eat just meat. Up to 80 percent of their diet was actually plants. And it...

What Should I Look for When I Read Nutrition Labels?
Learn to Become a Label Reading Ninja! Use this quick-and-easy method to find health-promoting products in your grocery store! Never, ever, ever believe anything on the front of a package. Instead, go to the nutrition...

Why is Exercise So Important?
Sitting has become the new smoking. Our sedentary inertia has become a blanket of sticky molasses gluing us to our couches, and it’s slowly killing us. Rip Esselstyn Why is exercise so important? Well,...

Heart Disease Runs in My Family. Do I Really Have Control Of My Destiny?
Make Yourself Heart-Attack Proof - Excerpt from PlantStrong Genetic susceptibility should definitely be on the list of considerations when you prioritize your lifestyle and daily habits. But with the Standard American Diet, everyone is susceptible...

How to Begin a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet?
This is an excerpt from The Engine 2 Seven-Day Rescue Diet by Rip Esselstyn. Thinking of trying whole food, plant-based eating plan? We invite you to take a seven-day, all-in test drive to quickly experience...

Eat Strong Food to Stop Heart Disease
Genetics loads the pulls the trigger. Excerpt from Engine 2 Seven-Day Rescue by Rip Esselstyn What is the number one reason to love our strong plants? Because it’s the only way to...

How to Make Your Own Plant-Based Milk
New! PLANTSTRONG Milks are coming to stores near you. Making your own plant-based milks is easy! Try something new to serve with your breakfast. For the whole story behind these alternative milk recipes, be...

Rainbow Ribbon Salad
Summer days are heating up across the country. This cool customer packs a savory and sweet crunch with a tangy lime twist. Perfect for picnics and back yard barbecues - this colorful salad is packed...

Introducing the all new PLANTSTRONG Foods
It's finally time! We are so happy to share the following updates on the all-new and improved PLANTSTRONG food products. For a year, we have been working on four new PLANTSTRONG granola varieties: Classic Oatmeal...

Mjeddrah (Lentils and Rice)
This recipe is great for busy summer days when you have a lot going on and a big family to feed. The crockpot does all the work, especially if you use dried onion. We love...

Golden Turmeric Dressing
Thousand of articles have been published in the medical literature about curcumin, the bright yellow bioactive substance in turmeric. Curcumin is a potent anti-inflammatory agent that may help with inflammation and in fighting cancer. If...

Calorie Density for Weight Loss
The coolest thing about understanding calorie density principles is that you can discard all the nonsense you’ve heard about dieting and start over with a clean slate. It’s liberating when you realize the reason America...

Spiced Turmeric Veggie Wraps
100% of PLANTSTRONG Meal Planner members who have tried this recipe gave it a thumbs up. If you purchase oil free hummus and bake your tofu in advance, you can make these in a few...